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Monday, November 12, 2007

Roads in snow

At the beginning of the week in our little sity much snow fell today, it has already become a snow porridge. Of course, many have not been able to change s my car for the winter at the appropriate rubber. Moved at work, watch the other drivers attempt to travel to the summer, once it is the desire to share their life experiences as a modest ride in winter. So boast ...
First not to be pulled to the purchase winter tires and pereobuvkoy. Believe, although the street is still pure asphalt and snow is not smells, but at a temperature below +5 summer tires simply is not working. Ideal to change s his knight for two weeks before being rolled snow. To save time and nerves for shinomontazhkah. And that with the fact that Ship kotsayut on asphalt, in the winter when there is no snow long they do the same on it and nothing kotsayut tires not happen.
By choosing rubber I come to the following scenario: if the machine is easier to 1 so, the heck it needs Ship, bash they are not working, low-weight machine. Take lipuchku and not partes, it is better if this is a good import tires, soft and narrow. Often, as I see in the race to fashion at the Class Corolla cars pose shirochennye winter bast shoe, it is only slightly reduces the manageability zaedet car in the snow, and wide tires on ice does not have to comfortable driving. The only plus such wide rubber-predictable behavior in skidding.
If you have a jeep under 2 tons, it is best to do the same narrow confine vsesezonkoy. Ship with that weight a long time to live, what would qualitative tires not caught. The narrow tires for the jeep in the same well - not only in winter but in summer. Verified by the experience. The only minus narrow rubber-deep snow, there simply zakapyvaetsya SUV on it. But that would be to find where you can put snow present a jeep-it must go outside the city.
Heavy sedan and parketniki love winter tires eyes, it does not give them cave in track. Ship wonderful complement rubber for the class of machines, because ukatannom work well on snow and Ice. The fact that the machine floats on the road of a broad tires offset a more balanced and designed suspension of such machines. Believe mnogorychazhka rulitsya and otrabatyvaet in motion much better makfersona budget.

Rear and front, much less a full winter drive behave quite differently. The best way to the front of course, because its harder to derail skidding unprepared for the driver it is more predictable on the road. When a car with front drive zakapyvaetsya in loose snow vytalkivat it easier because SPIN driving and can simultaneously provide gas. On machines with the rear drive vytalkivat that would have softened the car to put the wheels directly, or otherwise, it will skid on the ground. At the parking area with snow pudding front drive just easier to whip because SPIN often had to wheel, in the background under the same conditions can be routinely put the car on level ground.
With respect to the rear, it is has not been without its benefits. Cars with rear-drive easier storms slippery recovery, it can be inferred from skidding blunt clicking on the brake. In the case in front need to step on the gas, it is easy simply to disrupt the wheels of the lead in hot boxes and finally losing control of the road.
- Wheel drive behaves in the same rear-skidding. Its benefits are most obvious in winter, when the entire courtyard zasypannogo snow games which only the all-wheel drive grebut. But as the saying goes steeper than the jeep, the more escape for a tractor. Snow overcome peremety on full dislodging the drive better, but the chance to travel and otkopatsya own village if the machine is very small.
Like all, but there are no nuances. Winter simply must necessarily acquire full shovel rather than a saperkoy in the boot. We should brag cable, not from the Chinese rope parachute straps, and a minimum of two such sshituyu. Check vse-li towing butts on the ground, and then remember them when it comes under desperate to hang on to the cable car and beams to the elements or suspension. The cost of farming is not more than 500 pp., But nerves and save yourself time after zastryanete. A need to capture, let alone a couple of times during the winter snow sitting in a minimum of 80% of drivers.
Another test will not prevent Jack in the boot and reserve. Winter gimor with punctured wheel is 3 times more than in summer. The ideal option in the boot if there is protivobuksovochnye mats or boards, which can be zabuksovavshuyu Parmesan under the car.
And samo-soboy take care of insurance. The risk of accidents in the winter to get incomparably higher than in summer. And certainly new to most of them is not without cost petty accidents in the first winter season.
For the first time I think enough is enough if the same desire to write about winter driving as it is today, be sure to write in the future, then that is not entered in the material.

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