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Monday, November 12, 2007

Maintenance of diesel winter.

That's freezing denki came first. If the exploitation of gasoline cars increasingly less clear, since diesel from many questions remain. So boast ...

Winter fuel. Who filled in refuellings, the pain may not be less worried. At WSA large monitor fuel switching from summer to winter, but in small can still sell old stocks. Summer diesel fuel differs from the winter temperature of crystallization of its paraffins. Hence scorer fuel filter, in gauze LGFET, grid at the receiving tube in the tank. Cleaning - up harder than prevention, in most cases, have to chase a car in the warm hut for the full defrost fuel line. Established heaters fuel in the fuel filter in the form of pills built into the body of the filter is not help.

The water in the tank. Because of obratki fuel in the tank is heated and then cooled parked on the condensate tank traps. To fuel it is not stirred, and captured at the bottom of the tank, leading to corrosion inside the tank, and other "flavors". Therefore, once a year, preferably discharged from the fuel tank the entire sludge and water.

Tough start-ups. In summer, it was all wonderful shvatyval engine with the first turnover, and in winter SPIN starter has become longer and longer. The reason so few:
1. Defective candles specified. Changing easily, are about 450 pp. for a duplicate. But I would advise taking the original Japanese with gang or contract, which though like Japan, but sajlent longer duplicates about 2-fold. In choosing is to draw attention to the candles omicheskoe resistance (are different).
2. Zabilsya fuel filter. Not plums water in time, she zamerzaet on filtration element and tearing his or weakens bandwidth filter. Remains of the filter when the situation might meet at setochkah LGFET, are under receptor bolt connections, the bolts obratki plums and kidnappings under flap. They will be useful to verify and refine.
3. Lack of compression in the cylinder. In the domestic fuel sulfur content much more than the Japanese, hence the increased wear TSPG, as a decline in compression over the years. Absolutely proper diesel engine with a good compression has been able to run at -40, even as broken candles specified. It dizelki, even with weak compression, even after working up quite well. There can only advise cheating passions candles, or when the lights pogasanii with spiralkoy (it signals that progrelis candles), you should turn off the ignition and to re-up candles. The extreme measure-pshiknut flammable liquid in the air, such as WD40 or karbklinerom, zavedetsya engine, but better him of this is not exactly.

Soak. Diesel has a higher operating efficiency compared with petrol engines. At empty trafficking diesel engine heated very slowly, and usually the working temperature goes only under load. Therefore, the engine heat for the winter could and should be. Wait for a full up empty at the often pointless, so that would be quicker warming could start a movement after 5-6 minutes for the engine.

Preparations for the winter. It allows you to avoid problems and save the driver nerves.
1. Change oil in the engine. Gusteyuschee frost on oil does not unleash the engine starter to the speeds at which the mixture begins to ignite.
2. Merging water from the tank and the fuel filter.
3. To insulate the engine.
4. Check GRM belt, it is a great winter load and the risk of break worn belt is higher than in summer. A valve oppression from any diesel.
5. Cheating in the trunk cans WD40, or karbkliner.
6. Check nozzles to spray torch. If ssut "then undertake cleansing. Diesel more exacting quality raspylu fuel jets.

I hope you will help this office in the further exploitation of winter. Good luck on the roads ...

What feels people flying in Cuvette ...

Since hides himself was the man to tell what they will try, but instead the beginning of the foreword to the raw data. Winter, clean asphalt roads, downhill quite pology at first glance, the machine is equipped with winter tires Ship, the speed of about 40 km / h, it is necessary to make the right turn.
Just pritormazhivayu. While asphalt net, but did not become severely hinder, at the rear of traveling in dangerous proximity "Schumacher, and it is not clear that it has for tires and that it's mind at all. Including flasher. Plavno vezzhayu snow cover on the adjacent road, where going to rotate from the home.
At some point in time-conscious that the wheels have lost grip and the car is PCA. As the front-drive, and a little gas poddayu vyvorachivayu wheel-turn inwards, but little helps, already aware that if nothing changes in the Cuvette machine fly. Poor feature idea manual operation, the glory of god that only poorly, the consequences could have been heavier if the machine sehala to curb side.
In the last moment before the inevitable decision to accept - if we fly with a shoulder peredkom as possible perpendicular to the road. Vyvorachivayu wheel slightly left of the zero point, keeping pace with the brakes no longer spuskayu. Shoulders The shoulder. Wheels on clinging to the moment something, but the speed is still high. Ahead soft snow, feature-only idea, it would not have been boulders. Speed came sugrobom very effectively, about 2 meters doezzhayu not until the first serious obstacle in the form of small trees. Before the eyes only dispensers machine flakes of snow, after stopping only to the eyes of snow Sulwan shaft to the top of the hood. In the hands shivering No, it is very clearly conscious, like smoking, such as what happened immediately disappeared from memory. Ask a friend to all whether it is OK. Glushu engine.
Trying to open the door and runoff from a car. Starting to feel like finely Tagalog, comes awareness incident. At first glance, the machine is not damaged. For mobile vyzvanivayu coming to us friends.
For 15 minutes, about 5 TI machines proehavshih passing absolutely indifferent, 2 stopped to ask nuzhna-li not help. Finally dragged normal uazikom little povozivshis, whole machine apart from petty kotski bumper at the lights and burnt gauge.

In analyzing the situation, understood that played several factors: the slope of the road, nechischenaya adjacent roads, terrifying priporoshenny snezhkom ice (in an investigation of frequent shlifovany, starting with the machines). From the grave consequences likely saved what was decided dip in snow and became look for ways how to do this tie.

What is the difference from the machine mechanics, I consider important

Not easy choice between mechanics and automaton, their pros everywhere, try to describe how I see such a choice for its bell. Nothing new is not open, all of this has been described to me, but information in general, I think that would be interesting to many. So boast ...

There certainly mechanics outside competition. All that talk about the experience of tufta, he comes in the first year of driving sex. Yes, of course stranger to the mechanics could get even more spending than automaton, but the machine is not on the floor year it all quickly learn how to choose the optimal mode switching. The plan rashodnikov, care and attention to the other box, a mechanic for the same money wins.

There machine outside competition. Let say that the stick someone feels more comfortable than on the mechanics, not to believe. Just try to have at least a few machines on and on the other. Drive with a cigarette in his hand or with cream on sticks, it is simply impossible, especially in the city. In vyalo-polzuschey cork leg begins to fall off just hours squeeze through the floor of adhesion. A pro Autorun not forgotten? What action should be done that would be the logical place for the neutral signalku with autorun on mechanics. Someone objected on the mechanics can be left to the speed of using the manual operation, perhaps they are not aware that the machine has a parking regime, which keep the car more comfortable without manual operation. Have you tried to start on the mechanics of slides, with a little bit of everything not otkativshis ago? Try immediately evaluate the benefits machine. And to all others - have machines with a lever on the handlebars, it is very convenient pieces, as the central tunnel between the front seats quite clear.

The most controversial item. If the automaton oil changed regularly, he prosluzhit million mileage, enjoys all the details of quality oil under pressure. Mechanics can to serve not less, but it usually ended before pereklyucheniyami wrong. Synchronizers in the mechanics want to or not, after several masters are useless. Strength in the same spalit easier for mechanics, but on the other hand buksuya at automaton can spalit box itself. As far as Japanese cars, it is still easier to buy a contract machine than zamorachivatsya on his walls, and not all services are for it. But that there is a useful machine is self regime, may well only in the most ancient of its models do not.
One of the big minuses that the very machine on the automaton is not transported long muted with the engine not working pressure is created, hence the increased wear and death machine.

In summary, I would like to emphasize the following points: if the machine does not single out gray mass and used as a working horse in the city, better still automatic. If you race, or the present Jeep, the only engineer. Automat good car where driving routine, in a car mechanic for the soul ....

Interview with the owner of the business parts

My interviewer today is on the spare parts store owner in the city NJ Prokopevsk, LLC "Afterburner", known under the nickname DEMIX network.

What is the contingent of buyers for the parts-servismeny or employees?
It is easier to work with servismenami but buy mostly employees. Servismeny clearly know what want. In contrast to his employees have their own opinion, for the most part, who will ask council rare. Many come and tell me so-mol-advised friends. In fact, who as the seller did not know better, given that the car will come. Refund and negative feedback, we do not need, we like it is better to acquire the customer quality product.

Refunds lot?
Because marriage little in return was mainly due to the fact that spare parts are not ponadobilas. Objectively inomarku to duplicate even better, because not manufactured in a nearby basement.

In our city more prefer original spare parts, or duplicate? Or maybe all depends on the class of car?
Rather from the master, but most double takes. The desire to save the whole of the population in the blood, then we are no different from people in Germany and even Europe as a whole.

Stoit-li buy originals, or they are not, their money?
Worth. Let's go Nisshinbo good pad for 40 thousand some, but on the originals, I traveled 50 thousand, given the fact that they were standing on the machine have been run by Japan and would still like thousands 3. The situation described is not only related to rashodnikam but to the basic details of the engine and suspension. But of course there is a category of parts, which take the originals meaningless.

Perhaps you have in mind contractual spare parts, as they otnosishsya?
Well despite what have allowed the normal contract, but there with our gang-already rumors of Russia, and often there are already forbidden our masters. In principle, there are people who put a brake pad / a is the only debilizmom not be called. And let all optiki-krylya, levers suspension, etc. - Those who are not exposed to hard wear-and why not. Or very expensive things, like slats. But engines, in my opinion, better repair.
While we can be so greedy suppliers that the new original produced much cheaper. Let bumper at the RAV 4 first generation of crystal povorotnikami in Vladike, b / a is 9 thousand, but I have a new original would cost as much to the same completeness.

A quality automotive bijouterie (muhoboyki, linings vetroviki, floor), China is not prepodnosit surprises with the quality?
By quality "china" and must be treated as "china", I do not muhoboyki town, but let carpets silicon-a huge difference in quality, expensive softer, but largely taking the "china". A muhoboyki even the best-novosibirskie.

Chasto-li customers agree to bring the desired spare parts under the order, or go to another store go?
Looking what spare parts if he had let pobegal and could not find it, order, and if this permit is not available spare parts, and in others there are (or should be), then go to another shop, despite the fact that I propose cheaper .

What brand car sales according to the most problematic parts?
Most problematic are those for which few spare parts:) (Mazda, Mitsubishi, Honda and some well). There is a general problem and not specific brands of cars. Let Nissan Sunny in the Body b15 with a series QG engines. On the other hand, why Nissan this issue - because they just went a lot-it massive. It is very problematic engines from Toyota Series C, E, and let stand in the kaldinah - they simply small asset, so they have to kapitalit, although they are not unpredictable surprises prepodnosyat. Again, most of the problems of inadequate care Consequently, in principle, fairly reliable Japanese car.

In the Russian operation, which spare parts can be recorded in consumables except pad, oil filters?
On some machines layers fly-shock absorbers at the rear Vitz, the Primera front. And just weaknesses in hodovke, candles of course. Filling us leaves much to be desired.

Overall, the Japanese operation is expensive spare parts and repairs than domestic brands?
There certainly can, and then it goes (depending on the class of car). But let's massive Vehicle type Corolla 100-110 think cheaper at the expense of better quality auto parts and the whole. Once you Yapa perebral and horse-Poi songs, but the Russian-must be constantly harassed.

Planiruesh whether to expand the range: levorukie NJ, evropeyki Americans?
Of course, the "Europe" is already there, and even a bit sold (Germans), few Americans. A "levorukie" Japanese-no problems, a lot comes from pravorukih.

There are some wishes to the readers of this interview?
Never save on spare parts, filters do not buy Korean, Korean or Chinese shoes, racks, etc. Better to overpay but put quality. Save certainly important, but this must be approached with the mind to choose only quality spare parts. And boards have friends listen too afraid, some say, advised (a real case) in the engine shed S series of mineral water-well, I spohvatilsya time. Incidentally, the majority of brands that I ward, I try to his car.

Thanks for the informative interview.
And thanks to you, write more ...

Auto Sale on the Internet

Internet market for used cars in Russia still young, but already fairly well developed so that they are not even interested in computerized citizens. The purpose of this article is to show the reader how the Internet most effectively to sell a used car.

So, we determined that the car be sold. To start doing his photographs, it will come cheap digital camera, the pictures from a camera phone better not use because of the poor quality images. All photographs should not exceed 100-200 KB, it is better to hold them further processed on the computer, 5-6 images should be sufficient for future ads.
The second step will be to prepare the text of the announcement of the sale. You must specify how much of the engine of your car, what year, what equipment, the location of handlebars, describe existing defects or dignity. To determine price.
Lets go to the space of the Internet in search of suitable sites, which will run our ad.
The widest coverage of companies and models of cars charged by a sale, located on the site Here with us, and placing ads in handy earlier photographs. But this should not stop there, tell us Yandex directory sites visited less than, but that just comes portion of Internet users in search of the car.
Provide your ad on more than 5-6 sites of the first page of the catalog is not, it is better to turn to a more niche sites, in the case of your cars. For example, positioned as a site devoted to Japanese cars in Russia. If you have a Japanese car, it could not have better suited to accommodate your ad on it.
On the Internet, there are many thematic sites, such as joint-road themes, themes of street racing on a particular model car, or firme-proizvoditelyu. The most popular ones are a forum for communication visitors often there is a section reserved by the announcement of the sale. Not to be redundant your ad in such forums, of course, if your car falls under the theme of your site.
And finally, in your town or neighborhood, there is surely paper, publishing ads for the sale. Most of these publications have their own sites on the Internet, with an established form of ad reception from visitors. For example, a popular edition of "hands on" distributed throughout Rossiii and is the site, it can give you the closest to the city and complex, which will see visitors of the site, and perhaps most newspaper readers .

I think for the first time newbie such information would be enough that it would be interested to see ad buyers.

Diesel vs gasoline

The issue of choice or diesel gasoline (benzinki) many places to a standstill. Today, as seen own opinion, since had to exploit both. So boast ...

To begin with is deciding that the machine is for us and what its purpose of exploitation. If you racer in the soul and to love the speed and momentum, it is of course only benzinka. With all other things being equal petrol engines have more horses to the speeds faster raskruchivayutsya maximum traction, it is easier tyuninguyutsya have significantly less weight.

I will not describe engines with different systems and compare injection petrol engine, as they all possess the qualities inherent petrol engine, the only difference in terms of cost and power serviceability.

Why, then put on many machines, diesel, if originally from benzinok so much advantage? The answer is simple-cost. This is of course debatable assertion, since the current maintenance fund takes more than pour fuel can be saved at 1-2 ruble cheaper than 92. It added that in another operation and lower fuel consumption from diesel.

Therefore, all heavy vehicles with diesel engines are perhaps with the exception of the former USSR machines (in the economy at the time was pohuy). The main advantage of the ease-diesel. That is because it so steeply ofrouderam Japanese SUVs.

Unlike benzinki not in the classic diesel electric component. All that is required electricity valve kidnappings, by the way, even on the engines kamazovskih he works without electricity. Ie SUV with this engine can burn in any govnah fords and, most importantly withdraw shnorhel that would work for the air zagrebal net. After the wash-engine kersherom enough to wash and not be afraid that kryaknet zaglyuchit computer or a sensor.

Not the last word plays and economy. What heavier car, the more it requires engine. For diesel engines, it means that he is more durable and more economical in terms of 1 kg car. That is why petrol kruzak smug 20-25 liters, and Diesel 11-14 liters of fuel.

Physical work is such that the diesel engines of less than 2 x liters, with the work is much more wear TSPG, as a consequence faster time pridvigaetsya kapitalki, eventually losing such engines all its dignity in the face of high costs of maintenance.

The withdrawal of all written, I would have made this:
if the car easier to 1.5 t. only benzinka.
if you are looking for economical, whereas diesel you the most sense.
if you love to penetrate road, then the same diesel.
if you do so and do not understand or doubt, it's best benzinku because low garage mastera-sovetchiki did not know any kamazovskih than diesels.

On a diesel adding that the car that I was, much less fucked with brain zaglyuchivshim engine, as they all clear for versed rights. In modern benzinkah if the engine must perevoroshit whole bunch of sensors affecting the work, lift self testimony, then just make some conclusions.

Plagiarism discovered

Decided to run a blog for plagiarism. This is what has detected
Description haylyuksa that done in time for дром.ру already spizdili and pristroili. They wrote a letter to the site admin. A Hula, even though the link would put the article on the author, but it somehow did not honestly enjoy other people's labor. God is not what kreatif news, but its not pizzhenoe.

Pe.Se. Soap ushlepka at this site was not working as dick contact with him knows, and him to fuck ....


Start little by little to devote their friends that the Internet is, my blog on automotive issues. One of them offered to the same description of a car crash. Citing his entire article here, while retaining the copyright spelling and punctuation (moped is not me, I simply placed obyavu:))

A tale of a legendary TAYOTA
In April 2007, I stood a choice whether or not to be? To take or not to take…. After the successful sale of a little bat auto NISAN SANNY 2001, traveled to the brother of boots in Novokuznetsk proud that the Kuzbass in the south, the result of which was an incident, I Dvigalsya on the main green light from the adjacent road svetafora leave Muscovites 412, and I have to peel him at speeds 60 km per hour and even brake ways, it was not. Muzzle bat in the trash NISAN, inverted Muscovites, s romance. Romance of the DTP was then that I recognized the guilty and I had a full year in the courts to uphold justice! We want Kriknut "Our court most humane court in the world", so this is the case Believe me!
There will Azzurri from the topic, my NISAN repaired, painted entirely and I sell it. Get an amount sufficient to buy a new car, what to buy for 205 thousand rubles, I have to make a choice, besprobezhnye car immediately left behind, the amount is not large and had to choose from the fact that we have a say in, a version. In poezzhennyh option for Russia was an auto machine TOYOTA COROLLA SPASIO in 1998, it traveled basically user, mileage on Russia was 30000 kilometers. After inspection of the car suspension, the verdict was pronounced auto not take seriously killed., Travel can and should be .
To be perfectly frank describe what I saw in inspection machines before buying, paint coating, small chips, scratches left the passenger side clearly has been broken with the front to the rear wing is painted atrihtovana not quite well but I think will , fillings sypitsya not yet. At the speedometer 27 thousand killed in the trash in front Stand, it was necessary to change a couple salintblokov front and rear traction in the view of the fact that it was simply a pognuta. At one roof unstuck sealing gum, I am well aware that the car is not new and therefore not all of the above Scarecrow me. I assure you is not broken there is no Japanese cars!
Salon, hit the salon so much so that it has been made for the purposes I need, clean, the car almost 10 years and as a new salon!
High landing, the rear seat folded, can be the platform for Bath sleep, Dave  for cargo, which want.
The vehicle was purchased, and the day I do not really regretted not buying this.
With regard to the dynamics of the car, I quite enough, the engine 4a-fe, I can not say that he was very interesting, but I do well enough, and most importantly reliable proven so for centuries engine, which does not require shibkogo utensils.
Truck racing is not just talk, it is intended to calm charming ride, on the route and the city, and who would not be understood in vols dish, you can quickly and easily go off, yes indeed saw SPASSIO after she flew in Cuvette, the car was two people killed naproch machines and a passenger and the driver were not affected, by the way, all this talk about car safety, as well as the most important mission of his family car.
With regard to fuel consumption during the summer with a box of rifle, about 10 liters per 100 kilometers, the winter of 12 at least.
In the operation, I have replaced the front Stand, stood TOYOTA home, they are no longer even flee, escape, it was just nothing, buy TOKIKO put himself going and happy life. Just recently changed killed two salentbloka front, which put a clone itself no longer remember the original and new left rear traction. Candles chosen to put katologu Denso. Imagine all! More change nothing! I will not engage in advertising but TOYOTA really practical. In distinguishes it from NISSAN I felt at yourself.
The fact that less than one would say hotelas as the author of the article and the owner TOYOTA COROLLA SPASIO in 1998, a good family car, practical in all its service will not work in any region of Russia, inexpensive spare parts for the car of this type have every breeze. Traveled 15000 km, more than the more like.
Only that I will try to do more than is bought at very affordable NISSAN Shybko they hlyupkie on suspension, but strong muzzle tested!

Sex in car

What write automobile publication. Yes, all the same. If we write about what is in avtoizdaniyah not write accurately. Well, today the topic of "sex in the car, in demand by the way very topic. Cotton ...
Gdyadya at other DJs on stritreysinge films can be seen everywhere chic telochek near the sports fleet. You may think that these stritreysery trahayut telochek after each arrival. Dick you - this stritraysery trahayutsya with cars, the garage of their home mother, and their manualy Kama Sutra. In love or prisportivlennoy sports car, if you do not yoga, it is impossible it is a fact. Anatomical seat carved in the ass, bashkoy stukaeshsya permanently in the ceiling, legs stopped in horseradish knows that the shorter inside precisely nothing. Outside easier, but the bonnet to decompose and low hood pity, if the cancer can not only long legs. Overall soprtivnaya machine suitable only for prilyudy as described topni so that the girl would opisalas from fear itself suggested instead engage in sex races.
Sedan class korolly, analogichtno little place, the only difference from just more sportivok place over their heads, so perhaps more rear seat. But in the back seat Trahatsya does not work, because the legs are in a position polukorachek and quickly tired, and one hand almost always hanging in the air because the seat is narrow. In American machines of the same class, and even in this case the suspension swings so as to get the boat, though somewhat better. Bolishie American sedan is certainly cool, there are rear seat is precisely the desired width (perhaps Americans at the theme that American adolescents need of parental machines:)).
Jeeps. A universal machine, the same sex for a very good option. Raskladyvaya the front seat it's best to get. Besides ofigenny plus a jeep that do not have to go very far outside the city, just collapse in the coming shrubs (like and the city and no one worried). Less probably, in terms of embarrassing to have sex outdoors, all highly. While on the other hand, if you can love in the cabin nafiga vypolzat out.
Parketniki. They can be withdrawn in the back seat. Front usually hamper any instruments and, in most cases, small foot space. On the rear seat is more comfortable sort telochku and outwards to bash out with very high for the average is the highest growth. And at the beautiful vypendrezhnye parketniki telochki leading much more willing than monstroobraznye jeeps. While in recent years the kind of the reverse situation is changing.
And finally, the most convenient vehicle for fucked, it is 4, I zhiguley model. It factored rear seat so you can inflate a large mattress and ebatsya to homes on the bed with all the amenities. At the same convenient bonnet, plus the entire upotsarapat not pity. While I believe love is no longer accounted for in the attack, and with zhiguli.

Roads in snow

At the beginning of the week in our little sity much snow fell today, it has already become a snow porridge. Of course, many have not been able to change s my car for the winter at the appropriate rubber. Moved at work, watch the other drivers attempt to travel to the summer, once it is the desire to share their life experiences as a modest ride in winter. So boast ...
First not to be pulled to the purchase winter tires and pereobuvkoy. Believe, although the street is still pure asphalt and snow is not smells, but at a temperature below +5 summer tires simply is not working. Ideal to change s his knight for two weeks before being rolled snow. To save time and nerves for shinomontazhkah. And that with the fact that Ship kotsayut on asphalt, in the winter when there is no snow long they do the same on it and nothing kotsayut tires not happen.
By choosing rubber I come to the following scenario: if the machine is easier to 1 so, the heck it needs Ship, bash they are not working, low-weight machine. Take lipuchku and not partes, it is better if this is a good import tires, soft and narrow. Often, as I see in the race to fashion at the Class Corolla cars pose shirochennye winter bast shoe, it is only slightly reduces the manageability zaedet car in the snow, and wide tires on ice does not have to comfortable driving. The only plus such wide rubber-predictable behavior in skidding.
If you have a jeep under 2 tons, it is best to do the same narrow confine vsesezonkoy. Ship with that weight a long time to live, what would qualitative tires not caught. The narrow tires for the jeep in the same well - not only in winter but in summer. Verified by the experience. The only minus narrow rubber-deep snow, there simply zakapyvaetsya SUV on it. But that would be to find where you can put snow present a jeep-it must go outside the city.
Heavy sedan and parketniki love winter tires eyes, it does not give them cave in track. Ship wonderful complement rubber for the class of machines, because ukatannom work well on snow and Ice. The fact that the machine floats on the road of a broad tires offset a more balanced and designed suspension of such machines. Believe mnogorychazhka rulitsya and otrabatyvaet in motion much better makfersona budget.

Rear and front, much less a full winter drive behave quite differently. The best way to the front of course, because its harder to derail skidding unprepared for the driver it is more predictable on the road. When a car with front drive zakapyvaetsya in loose snow vytalkivat it easier because SPIN driving and can simultaneously provide gas. On machines with the rear drive vytalkivat that would have softened the car to put the wheels directly, or otherwise, it will skid on the ground. At the parking area with snow pudding front drive just easier to whip because SPIN often had to wheel, in the background under the same conditions can be routinely put the car on level ground.
With respect to the rear, it is has not been without its benefits. Cars with rear-drive easier storms slippery recovery, it can be inferred from skidding blunt clicking on the brake. In the case in front need to step on the gas, it is easy simply to disrupt the wheels of the lead in hot boxes and finally losing control of the road.
- Wheel drive behaves in the same rear-skidding. Its benefits are most obvious in winter, when the entire courtyard zasypannogo snow games which only the all-wheel drive grebut. But as the saying goes steeper than the jeep, the more escape for a tractor. Snow overcome peremety on full dislodging the drive better, but the chance to travel and otkopatsya own village if the machine is very small.
Like all, but there are no nuances. Winter simply must necessarily acquire full shovel rather than a saperkoy in the boot. We should brag cable, not from the Chinese rope parachute straps, and a minimum of two such sshituyu. Check vse-li towing butts on the ground, and then remember them when it comes under desperate to hang on to the cable car and beams to the elements or suspension. The cost of farming is not more than 500 pp., But nerves and save yourself time after zastryanete. A need to capture, let alone a couple of times during the winter snow sitting in a minimum of 80% of drivers.
Another test will not prevent Jack in the boot and reserve. Winter gimor with punctured wheel is 3 times more than in summer. The ideal option in the boot if there is protivobuksovochnye mats or boards, which can be zabuksovavshuyu Parmesan under the car.
And samo-soboy take care of insurance. The risk of accidents in the winter to get incomparably higher than in summer. And certainly new to most of them is not without cost petty accidents in the first winter season.
For the first time I think enough is enough if the same desire to write about winter driving as it is today, be sure to write in the future, then that is not entered in the material.

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado-feedback is not the owner

Getting to the 79 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado I have started immediately once it bought one of my friends. By then the standards and levels of income are considered top gradient. Left rudder, diesel 3L, wooden equipment, but it is enough to feel that comfort after haylyuksa spring. Maintenance of the car continues and now, after 5 years. Over the years, many of which try to tell.
First was immediately pomenyana tires, after which the machine zimoystala confidently to behave on the road, before that except Cow ice had not caused any association. Next on the roof rack was set purchase. It became more machines to take on board in the long-distance travel, but bash it was not enough. Therefore, it was time to make a decision priyanto trunk under their own needs. We had a welding, welding the same, zakupilis square tubes and the day svarganili rack on the entire roof. Painted, installed, tested. In spend nearly added to the hundreds of liters. Ironically mudrili with varying forms obtekatelyami nothing changed, decided that the cowl is not needed and nahren smasterili chandeliers in the front tube. Night has been going on debryam spaciousness.
It is not enough for long-distance travel 220 volts. Tried bespereboynik from computer to 500 Watt-kept but not enough. Decided to be a professional converters in the car at 2 kW. For such power from the batteries had prodernut two cable cross-sections about 3 square centimeters. And those I was nothing. Transmitter hiding under the passenger seat, raised at the last prostavkah increase. Worked so that you can connect or elektropilu bolgarku. Further uluchshatelstva related to the installation of additional generators and illumination for PAZa sdavaniya astern. More heck sidushki thrown from the luggage instead of them now are 2 columns to 150 Watt.
Now, of the problems. The box of a car is not very impressive after haylyuksovskoy. Nut shank taught otkrutitsya split sleeves and connecting with razdatku box. What happened, broke the socket, then srezalo shlitsy at shaft. Vale do not buy steel from Haisa vkoryachili box, replacing the lid leverage switching speeds. in subsequent razborkah-sborkah nut, it was decided to further kerneniem privarivat to the shank. The scheme proved to be very reliable.
After 3 years of exploitation proseli springs, put barnaulskie-shit was tight and lomuchie. Rounded to the local factory, there springs They spread Alexander's old and new ordeals. They spread Alexander's Storage by 3 cm, it has proved itself. There is thought to brag rear bridge mezhkolesnoy lockup, he was placed only on pradiki with automaton. Long primeryalis, eventually bought and raised, stood up well. Disc brakes at the rear bridge were the same way.
At the road is difficult to find something better than a serial car. No liftovki not required that the machine would be where there was a uazik. The front and rear bumper steel, so the branch is not afraid of bending, haydzhek which have the same substitute. On normal route barn. Long trips tiring. The city is not precarious not slowly, but given that all obstacles in the form of curbs barrier is not even very interested in becoming a ride. Overall dizelek 3 El naturally aspirated, in govnam secure, in the dynamics are not interesting. But in fords can burn a car for most tomatoes, with no problemm electrician.
Now glyady Machine that 5 years, a dream has not seemed to sense gradient, there skripit, is upset, there is not enough pribambasov for the lazy. But the machine still inspires respect for connoisseurs of off-the-road. And just as a horse track record working with the best. In the salon routinely includes refrigerator, on rack in the entire roof-Table 3-meter, so much of which to dump it, just not upomnish. Had machines and small laser accident. Nothing, except pognutyh bull ... One word-tank ...
Speaking to spend 3 el 10-12 liters, given that most of the fuel at any pizditsya belazah jeep and diesel locomotives produced in the operation of goryuchke more economical than other car ...

About me and my blog

Post  site description of any vehicles caught himself at the thought that this was me uncomfortable. To all others Rawle few more thoughts on the creation of this blog. What will come of this will be more visible, well, but in the meantime, what can be read a couple of reviews of the former on my cars. Each is unique in service ...

Toyota Cynos-owner feedback

Sex-year tenure enough for a machine that would compile it seems. Therefore, start with a small background. In early autumn, sold its haylyuksa, wrote about him feedback and began to search for something light. Part of money spent, has set a maximum budget of 110 T. R., began optimum option. There should be a derogation, most of them my views on the best option does not coincide with the views of my second half. For me was important technical characteristics, serviceability, the prevalence mark, but above all for her design. In some finally determined that it will be a hundred or King in the bodywork, or tsinos, the more our budget is not delayed. For such money that we had a good car not to buy, but decided to offset that all my experiences with technology, because niodna from my previous machines not happened at the ATC, all done by me alone. But the reality was even worse than I imagined - koroly that we have revised in its state clearly not worth the money that they asked for, in my experience, they live to be a season or two or even less, until they finally come and will not require serious investment. With the situation in Novosibirsk than in the market Used cars have even prompted me to think-and stoit-li even buy a car on the market. For the most part, prodavany on the blatantly erotic and not traded, even when the obvious ukazyvaesh kitchen, which in this price should not. Well yes Ok, back in Prokopevsk, before this had already been examined tsinos one, and decided to take it. Yes, of course not without ogrehov, and was bit, but not seriously, and something that did not work on the little things like kondey and heating glass, but on the whole machine was still very strong. The greatest pole was in the driver's that was broken glass. Sight on its experience finding spare parts over the Internet, but in reality has proved increasingly difficult. If the frontal and rear glass has practically everywhere, the side is not found, or rather they are but only in its original language of 4.5 T. R. In the end, somehow managed to find him and order, together with the shipment of 2 T. R., while proezdiv 2 months without glass, the film, but more gemoroya I would not wish to imagine.
Now, the actual description of the machine. The fact that it is small as OCA is the only from the outside. In length, the same 9 k, certainly less in height by about 20 cm I with an average Physique ambitious, although a purely subjective sense, a petty car has not been in service. Summer no problem, but in winter puhovike uncomfortable belt belt. For the front passenger seats enough, the check for the same rear acceptable, just go have sex in the state of lying, otherwise head stukayutsya rear glass, in a word machine for two. The back seat tipped towards the rear, but this is not any easier for the Carriage of Goods. Boxes in large trunk zapihaesh not because of the narrow aperture, while skiing or linoleum roll onto what can be done to the back and folding. In general the idea of strollers in the car lot is shmurdyuka desist immediately if you decide to choose such a car, and nado-li it not for the machines are taking. The main plus in the cabin is provided for a large space in the doors for speakers, even though there was no need to break all head to deploy.
Another of the downsides of this machine-no sound, well, this is just a general lack. It is learned when set signalku. Porazbirat had a lot of room, even though the sex if somehow isolated carpeted, the engine compartment and protects arch nothing except thin layer of metal and rubber apron. From the buzz of the cabin and the engine as domestic pogremushkah, and the sound of rubber on asphalt. In winter, and even plastic upholstery zagremel rear, well, live on devyatina sonic accompaniment, in the summer will shumku stowed himself. Suspension as a whole experienced a bad winter, but for many it podubito. The only problem is ShRUSy, but there certainly is not itself doglyadel-likely prodavan they nasypal sawdust that would not hrusteli, simply could not have so quickly, with a crunching the healthy anther.
By claims no motors, otrabatyvaet clear, though really became 11 liters, again closer to summer must watch what happened.
Regarding the road, it is normal for such a vehicle. Winter stood in sugrobah no more than other brands. Plus this small weight of the car, it is very easy to push. Manageability certainly not sports coupe, rather korolovskaya alone. It is not surprising, with as a korsy suspension, the rear nerazreznoy beam. But the center of gravity lower in the turns, you can sign a little cooler than the same kings. Pokrutitsya with manual operation at the snow cover men in black fun, hard bodywork, the car feeling very good. Sportkupe think it is at least naive, but I have faced pihlo 5e-fhe, 115 mares (they are not powerful stavilos), but I do not entertain illusions in this regard. Where only had long used to the car is a rear roll blind zone because of VIP broad and ill-feeling front bumper.
If someone decides to commit themselves this car, please note that equipment. I have a betta in kondyushnikom, climate package and brooms, indeed, these little joy and raise the mood in daily driving, and not tabun horses under the hood in a fully wooden cabin.

Toyota Hilux Pick Up-owner feedback

To begin with himself - that I do not and never dzhiper he was not, and did not intend to become, and do not intend to. Well this is just a machine that hit me because that was in good order and in doing so has cost at cheaper greens piece srednerynochnoy prices. So it is not, you will say, well, so is your opinion and I am not going to contest it, it is better to tell about their impressions of the possession by this "bridge" prohodimtsem.
The first thought when the villages of the rudder (when the machine was not even my own) is a real tank. The second message (machine has been my) nafiga me, I have it and where to apply it. First that it would be desirable to clarify the future owners of such machines, where they gathered to exploit it. All places of mud that had previously been considered a purely pedestrian (well, as a last resort proezzhaemye a motorcycle), are now roads, where you can drive. But on the other hand, after half possession machine has finally begun to detect stiff stations and here begins the present trip. No, no rush of mud mesiva, a trip from the fact that you safely where 15 years ago traveled trelevochnik couple of times, and now this place is wild neobzhitaya nature. In taiga make their way to places where no longer felt absolutely no civilization, where platinum beavers can be found at the forest streams and pristine nature. But since this is not about nature, but of the machine, it will return to its description.
Diesel SUV selected for the corresponding turbine-no, no electronics, nothing that can glyuknut, I would even say that the engine is much simpler and more reliable uazovskoy benzinki. Before that has been the experience of communicating with diesel engines, so this is not brought me any fuss, because any defect in it can be addressed in the road on the spot. Yes, and not breaking it to me at a major, well, nothing there break. A time-began podsos air through a hand pump swap zalil sealant yes headquarters, and then just forgot that there Sucks something, need a pump once a year when a new filter… That is probably all that has been a failure with the engine:)
Suspension is something that that, too, is difficult to kill. Springs front and rear, bridges this jeep, mechanical hubs, shpritsuemye most problematic places, etc. Overall suspension not failed not once, although moments happened when dragged out of the pieces of logs and branches. Well not cleaned in the taiga road from logs and branches, so the net clay ride is still a place must be found:) In this regard, bridges and so good that fully protects all drive their strong iron hull, not any rezinkami. Now padzherovody start spitting in me and prove the benefits of an independent suspension, but I pofig - where I traveled to haylyukse padzhery not even tried to tout fear for their suspension. While on the other hand, this suspension plus for the same asphalt turns to the less manageable, comfort and so much more. Hilux So it makes sense to take off unless all seats by side and they do not need to go beyond 100 km. While on the other hand nekomfortnost suspension is expressed at the poor quality of asphalt. Once in the city laid new asphalt everywhere, travel was a very even Satisfactory. The reason for this behavior easy-to ask roughness he podprygivaet and rear wheels raskrutitsya pace, but when they become a machine, then and now, there is a breakthrough, which further strengthens the sense of entitlement nekomfortnye roughness. On the road to this like no case there and shaking so well that such things do not have to think. And last spring, plus suspension, combined with body-carrying capacity. Have a pallet load of bricks and onto his 20 km, it is normally reached. Comrade at the same haylyukse his boots altogether Degelen to prosedaniya otboyniki machines at gunpoint and bash it. Speaking at the same occasion haylyukse Comrade drive 28 people, from the main body of hostels to the beach:).
At the saloon car dostalas simple, the convenience of the only electric mirror. In fact mirrors seen fairly well and be focused in sdavanii reversing very convenient. Step on such a machine is very conducive to the convenience posadki-vysadki rather than design element. Do not have time for this satisfied. A Friend rearwards was not at haylyukse drunken woman and leaving his passenger compartment in 50% of cases fell on the asphalt face:) Sam salon if it zastelit linoleum and carpet is not very easily cleaned. Priborka quite informative and easily readable, even when the sun shines in their eyes. Landing something in between dzhiperskoy and cars. As nastroesh seat and will sit. For rear passengers in the car are more seats, three adults placed at the back without any problems. An essential element of such a machine are handrails for passengers, even if the driver can keep on the road over the handlebars, the passengers hang on the saloon as a robber goods and may unintentionally hurt something.
Now a bit about the characteristics, you can ride, but slowly. I am after 100 km / h already included yaponichesky bellflower, which warned that the speed is inadequate for such a machine. The city is dynamic enough, although I would have preferred a little more, love to travel with frequent applications and disperse, well, yes, this individual case. Town us with the recovery, and the ride in the Mount usually beznadduvny dizelek skisaet, well, he is not drawn to the trafficking of more 2000 and all here. PAZiki else can overtake in the slide, but with different legkovushkami already down. In other places disperse until 5 th transmission and switching so no longer, well, if not at traffic lights. Moving & Relocation go do the same without lowering speed of the suspension nor heat nor cold.
But not as cool and machine arcanes under mud. This is a great road, a short front overhang and a great height rear overhang. Box and razdatka simply tank sizes, in the amount weighs about 90 kilograms, is simply not feasible to break. Perhaps the only weakness - chaining. Just as things turned out, and that I had to change, and the Friend of the disk in operation, but is likely to blame themselves. There is another weakness - tube rear brakes, which lies in the rear-bridge. When sdavanii backwards in the mud where there is logs, it is very easy to break partly tube and left without rear brakes that happened to me in due course.
Hilux albeit long in Russia but still people are turned on the machine and tychut fingers as small children, very well out roll machine. While that we in the city of their travels around 6 pieces (250 thousand inhabitants), the only one in town Tuareg and it is not turned. In an otherwise have nothing more to tell, I recently sold a car and now prismatrivayu banal yaponichesky shirpotrebny sedanchik ride to work. Not sold from the good life and just below srednerynochnoy prices greetings Sergei new owner-not ubivaemoy machines:)